You will integrate everything you have learned to proposeā¦
1) an interdisciplinary experiment that examines a visualization problem with implications for human perception OR
2) an interdisciplinary experiment that examines a human perception question with applications to data visualization OR
3) an idea of a visualization system or tool that draws on principles of human perception to address a currently unmet need in the real world.
The paper should be 12-point font, 2000 words max, with at least 1 well-designed figure.
Please write succinctly and clearly.
Sections should include:
Title and abstract
An introduction with a real-world motivating example
Related work (background literature), including papers from both psychology and data visualization
Hypothesis grounded in existing literature, with predictions based on existing literature
Description of your experiment (e.g., experimental design, procedure, variables you intend to measure and how, predicted results) OR description of your system (e.g., system design, requirements, figures showing prototype interfaces, plans for evaluation)
Expected Results
Limitations of your proposed experiment or system
Design and theoretical implications of your experiment (by conducting such an experiment or a system, how does it help people better understand or do something?)