In this assignment, you will create a persona.
Definition of Persona: A synthesized, fictional user of your product based on user research you conducted. It helps you identify problems and opportunities in your product.
Step 1:
Identify a product or service you use often and are familiar with.
Step 2:
Create a persona for a fictional user of the service you identified based on your own experience with the product.
Step 3:
Based on the persona, identify two user needs and generate two corresponding user requirements. These requirements should help improve the product or service you identified. Don't worry about the amount of resources or technological limitations. Just write good ideas.
In the persona, include:
1. Demographics (or personal description).
2. Their experience with technologies.
3. Tasks they want to complete with the tool.
4. A description of their problems (pain point(s)).
5. Their desires and values for the product.
6. A portrait of the fictional character in your persona.
You can use Jeff as an example.
Example of User Requirement and User Need.
User Needs: Alice always forgets to submit her information after typing it out. The ‘submit’ button is difficult for her to spot on the webpage. She wants something more salient.
User Requirement: A mechanism on the submit page that helps users remember to submit their information.
Bad User Requirement: A red ‘submit’ button.
(Too specific. This is one solution, rather than a requirement).
What to submit: Two presentation slides (powerpoint, keynote, or PDF).
One similar to the ‘Jeff slide” we showed in class for your persona.
Another slide containing the name of the product or service you identified and the list of user requirements. And user needs.
How we will grade your assignment (out of 18 points):
Includes the name of the product or service (1).
The persona includes:
Demographics or personal description (2).
Their experience with technologies (2).
Tasks they want to complete with the tool (2).
A description of their problems (2).
Their desires and values for the product (2).
A portrait for the character in your persona (1).
Includes one user need (1) and corresponding user requirement (2).
Includes one user need (1) and corresponding user requirement (2).
Examples that will result in point deductions:
User requirement is actually a solution rather than a requirement (-1).
User requirement is disconnected from the user need (-1).
Persona exceeds one page (-1).
Too many typos and incoherent sentences (-1).